Damn! I smashed a plate.

Damn! I smashed a plate.

Damn! I smashed a plate. Quite accidentally, and completely out of character… Normally I’m precise. If things fall…I catch them. But that soup plate..which I’ve had for at least twenty years..(Not that it matters) but…well..it’s...

News Blog Alert

Annie Lennox has posted a new blog in the blogging room. You can interact with Annie’s blog on facebook (click here) or twitter @annielennox.
I blog because I am!

I blog because I am!

I can be a little obscure with my humour…It’s just my sensibility. Sometimes it might not always translate easily into words on a blog..ie..the intention/inflection can be misread. I hope I haven’t upset anyone if ever it seems a bit "...

Annie Lennox Awarded Honorary Degree From Williams College

We are delighted to announce that Annie Lennos is to receive an Honorary Degree from Williams College, Massachusetts: Named as one of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time by Rolling Stone magazine, internationally acclaimed singer-songwriter and human rights activist...
Doubt not ye doubters!

Doubt not ye doubters!

Now I’m onto a food thing and feeling quite Gwyneth about it! But there is method in my mediocrity…Doubt not ye doubters! All will be revealed in due course! This morning I tried a grapefruit that’s not a grapefruit…It’s masquerading as...