I’m happy to tell you that we have come a long way in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
The new Global Report from UNAIDS shows that fewer people are becoming infected with HIV and that we have broken the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic.
We have reached the first part of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of halting and reversing the spread of HIV.
In less than five years, we have crossed the half way mark towards providing medicines to HIV positive pregnant women, in order to prevent transmission of the virus to their babies securing better health for mothers and children.
We are strengthening the platform for women and girls, to lead a movement against AIDS in support of Women’s rights. But the struggle continues.
The fight is far from over. We still have a long way to go. We need to continue to strengthen our focus on the needs and rights of young women, who are particularly vulnerable to HIV.
We need to ensure that global commitments are translated into increased support for women at the community level.
Men and boys must be our partners in transforming behaviors that endanger the health of society at large.
Raise your voice today – be an activist – fight for:
- Zero new infections – Protect yourself and your loved ones from infection. Know your status – get tested
- Zero discrimination – don’t tolerate STIGMA and DISCRIMINATION towards people living with HIV – Speak up – Take a stand – defend Human Rights
- Zero AIDS related deaths – convince people in power to ensure that money is available for treating, caring and supporting those who need it!
Click here to find out how you get involved today
Click here to watch The SING Campaign’s 3rd Anniversary Film
Click here to visit The SING Campaign website
Click here to visit the Body Shop’s Be An Activist website