I’m a magpie of sorts…and a sentimental hoarder. " Things" have a certain resonance for me, so I hang onto them, in the possible delusion that they might become very useful down the line..one day.
As it happens…I wasn’t too off the mark.
Just over a couple of years ago I was talking to a lovely girl called Maya Maraj about all this "stuff "that I had that I really wanted to share with people in some way.
I already had ideas about what it could be, then Maya said…"Why don’t you approach the Victoria and Albert Museum"?
At which point, I suspected that we have run ahead of ourselves in a major way.
But then "common sense" prevailed, with the question…What do you have to lose by asking?
And the answer came back with a resounding…."NOTHING"!
So I followed the yellow brick road, clicked my heels together, and we put a call into the V and A.
And guess what?….Reader..they called me back!
They came..They saw…and they invited me to have an exhibition!
Since then, there’s been a beautiful collaborative relationship between us both, which has resulted in The House of Annie Lennox, which is opening in Londonium today!
I arrived in this terrifyingly great city in September 1971 ( forty years ago ) as a seventeen year old innocent stranger.
I could never have imagined the journey that was ahead of me….and I realise now that truth is actually stranger than fiction.
The exhibition is small, but unique in it’s own way…
If you happen to visit London over the next six months, it might be a sweet thing to drop into..especially if you were born in the 50’s or 60’s!!!
In any case..I’m thrown and overblown with bliss! xxxx
The House of Annie Lennox @ The V and A
15th September – 26th February
Click here to find out more