I had the most wonderful rare encounter yesterday. So wonderful that I have to blog about it, because it’s not every day that you just happen to be sitting at the next table, in the same restaurant as Barbara Hulanicki.
For those of you who know..then there’s no explanation required. But to those who don’t…well… Barbara Hulanicki is in my opinion one of the most exceptional designers of our time. She founded BIBA with her husband in the Sixties, going onto
create the BIBA store on High Street Kensington in London, in the early Seventies, which was an experience before it’s time. There’s never been anything like it since, and I doubt there ever will be.
She led the way for those of us young girls living in provincial places, where we felt we were dying of drabness.. I could never afford to buy anything from BIBA, but I just used to go into the store and imbibe ( sorry for the pun) the atmosphere..She was the first person to introduce lipstick and nail varnish colours like mulberry, plum, dark purple, rust and blueberry..and she reinvented herringbone tweed, cloche hats and fake leopard skin jackets… to die for.
Barbara Hulanicki is the kind of legend I bow down to bitches. Did I say bitches???!!! Yes I did! In jest…IN JEST!!!