I just want to thank you for sending in so many fascinating comments over the last few days. I’m truly impressed by what how so many people respond. My blogs go from the sublime to the ridiculous, and you seem to take it all with the spirit that is intended. Sometimes I feel anguished and heart felt, and sometimes you have to take me with a great big sack of salt. I’ve been intrigued by all your posts, whether it be the spices that you like to use with food..(Garlic in porridge was a first for me..followed by the popularity of coriander!) I get the sense that there must be a lot of epicureans out there! And thanks for being so respectful and positive in your comments..You are good people!
So…to take another turn towards the tangential..Our topic today is..Onions! ( I did say "ridiculous"…)
I like them sliced and fried, baked, or turned into soup ( with a layer of grilled gruyere cheese on top)…but I tend to avoid eating them raw.
Here’s a tip for avoiding tears when you’re chopping them…Put a matchstick between your teeth..It actually does seem to work.
Let me know…Give me feedback.